Saturday, December 31, 2005


What a relaxing vacation. Unfortunately, I need a little Ad Club Lovin' every once and a while. So I updated the links to the right, look, they even have tag lines!

Monday, December 19, 2005


Take some time out of your day to watch people destroy the Gap.

The spot only played in select DMA's, OC not being one of them. But this spot for Gap is hilarious.

I suggest you watch this alternate version of the ad, it takes a while to load, but its worth it. Here is the low down according to Adfreak

" “A- for the ad itself, D- for the implementation.” Stevenson thinks the company should have run the ad nationally as part of a general rebranding effort instead of locally as a heads-up about store renovations"

Saturday, December 17, 2005


The world of the blogosphere is full of phrases that exclaim the end of this or that as we know it. Most of the best blogs are written by consultants who sell solutions to business problems, so of course they would want us to believe their premonitions of doom. Not that they are wrong.

I like saying things are dead too, even though I'm no consultant. I also am loving the book Joseph Jaffe sent me "Life After The :30 Spot".

--- Background:
I read here that if you promise to review Jaffe's book on your blog he will send you a signed copy.
Well I got my copy last week, but you know how finals are.

So I opened it this morning, and blew through 7 chapters in less than an hour. I still have more to go, but I had to take a break and acknowledge its greatness. Check back later for a full review.

Friday, December 02, 2005


Well I must first admit that this is not about advertising, or even Orange County...

But it is about someone very special to Circle, that imaginary agency of ours (thanks to Job and is unhealthy and puzzling obsession with him). Remember The Grey Album? Well Agenda has brought to us Q-Unit a Queen and Fiddy Cent mashup.

With tracks like...

This is how we bite the dust


Bohemian Wangsta
