Apparently not.
Agenda inc. points to an interesting article on brand integration.
"Some of that accountability is now being quantified, and the results show exactly where the weaknesses are. An August 2005 Simmons National Consumer Study showed that while 46 percent of audiences do not mind product placement in movies, only 20 percent remembered the names of brands that the characters either used or spoke (51 percent and 24 percent, respectively, for television).
To capitalize on an onscreen role, brands must employ additional measures to increase recall. Cross-promotions allow brands to use the movie's artwork and/or characters in the brand's advertising. This tells customers the brand is affiliated with the film and the customer is more likely to notice the brand's product placement when they see it."
While such cross-promotions can take the form of expansive campaigns, such as Audi's in "Transporter 2" or AOL's for "Cry_Wolf," smaller brands still have options. Simply creating a website page to highlight your brand's feature film roles may be all it takes. Both watchmaker Panerai and bag and jacket manufacturer Belstaff have done this. A "key" to getting the most out of this approach is to be sure to use the film name, the general product name and your brand in the page's keywords. This helps ensure search engines will locate your site when potential customers search for them.
The vital point is that just showing up isn't enough."
P.S. only 46% of audiences don’t mind product placement—that means more than half are pissed off to even see your brand on screen. I wonder why they didn’t mention that…
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